CALL US : 1-770-378-6973
SAOCoaching, LLC Strength, Achievement, Opportunity
Welcome to SAO Coaching!
I look forward to us working together to help you reach your goals!
The relationship between a coach and client is co-creative, meaning that we are equals and both have an active role. I am not a therapist, counselor or consultant. Coaches use refined communication skills to support you as a detached thinking partner. Together, we create more power for you to effect meaningful change and take dynamic actions towards your goals so that soon, you will be living your vision! Take a look throughout my website at a few of the testimonials from clients who are now living their visions.
“What’s in front of you is much greater than what’s behind you.” Joel Osteen
Your Greatest Self.
For you, the individual, coaching helps to develop a focused approach to your future, behavior awareness, resolutions for life challenges, overcoming feeling "stuck", achieving the success you desire/the career you crave. Coaching helps you discover your Strengths, realize your Achievements, and create your own Opportunities.

Your Staff.
For businesses, "Coaching improves working relationships across all levels by 75+%; Coaching lifts job satisfaction by at least 2/3rds; Coaching quadruples ROI compared to training alone, jumping from 22% for training to 86% with training and coaching combined." (Source: Personnel Management Association)

Coach Shelley
Shelley truly has a gift of helping people which is unique. I was introduced to Shelley when I was going through a rough spot in life. I felt stuck in all aspects. I knew where I wanted to be, but was not sure how to get there. She has helped me really dig deep and figure out my true path; even though it was a direction I thought was not an option. My eyes have been opened to new possibilities and she has inspired me to get outside of my comfort zone, as that is the only way you truly grow. I am grateful that I have her by my side cheering me on to becoming the person I was meant to be. I look forward to what my future holds. I am more than happy to give credit to Shelley for helping me see my potential. Thanks Shelley!
CB, South Carolina